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Trail Riding Definition
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 Trail Riding Definition

~ a more accurate description ~ defines:  Trail Riding -

Noun, trail riding - riding along a roughly blazed path. 

There is much confusion and error in Equine Marketing, Education and Conversation

concerning: Trail Riding, Trail Riders and Trail Horses. 

I hope to help bring some clarity with this explanation. 

Trail Horses - Trail Rider

Based on the above definition: 

    I would suggest > 

            a horseman who commonly travels cleared and maintained roads 

            or paths, with enough room for a truck, tractor, four-wheeler to travel them - 

            may not be accurately called:  a Trail Rider.

    I would further suggest > 

if this is the highest level of training and performance a particular horse knows - 

                then technically he is not:  a Trained Trail Horse.

   Further more: 

           *   A Green or Unfinished Horse and an Ametur Rider won't fair well on 

                a roughly blazed path

           *   A Horse and Rider trained to ONLY compete in a Trail Class at a show 

               is generally not skilled nor trained well enough to ride safely on a roughly  

               blazed path.

           *  In fact - due to lack of training and experience neither of the above are  

               adequately prepared for a safe blazed trail environment and can be a serious

               danger to themselves and to other horses and riders.

   ~ And Trainers, lets not inaccurately label a horse that doesn't pan-out 

for our program and drop him into the market - as a Trail Horse. ~


Roughly Blazed Paths

              Roughly blazed paths present obstacles that require amplified skill bases and 

              excelled expereince levels for both horse and rider to traverse varible terrains 

              safely and effectively.

The roughly blazed pathcommonly presents challenges like: obstructions that require 

that you and your horse "billy-goat" over ( or through) a less than safe crossing. It may require that you navigate for hundreds of yards through a maze of fallen trees or a deep 

gully "wash-out". It may put you and your horse right in the middle of a BOG. It may 

present a tangle of vines that literally ties your horse and throws him down. It may require

you and your horse to swim. It is the path of the "unexpected". 

There is SAFETY on a Roughly Blazed Trail


A Safe Trail Horse is one who is trained for the Trail and has the temperament to be pushed for 150% commitment while keeping his head together in a bad situation. 

A Trained Trail Horse knows where his feet are and where they need to be to maneuver safely and he is willing to listen to your instructions and capable of following them - especially in a tight situation.

The Safest Adventure Trail Rider - embodies the skills and the experience to cope with the unexpected on a blazed trail. He reflects wisdom and knowledgeable management skills to accomplish a ride - safely. 

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To Clarify: 


           I ride and train Sport Horses.                                                                                                            I am a Trail Rider and I enjoy ridingroughly blazed trails.  


When - I ride - I prefer to ride  - the Paso Fino Sport Horse 

for my pleasure  ....  comfort and enjoyment.