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The Paso Fino Sport Horse Report

Sharing Markets

Sharing Markets is a positive and progressive tool for product promotion and service provision. 

My Story-line Version of OUR Market Sharing

How it began:

            After show season of '94... I shared with Carmen ( Micheletti ) my thoughts of leaving the show ring to work on developing another market for the Breed.  

As always Carmen - was a good listener and supporter ... and as was common to her nature from our relationship beginnings - she willingly made innumerable choices - to support and aid me - then - and all these years since - and in every way she could. 

Ultimately she contributed not only to my success, but also to her success and to the success of the Breed at large. 

Consequently - for over 20 years ->  we built a valuable friendship - in more ways than can ever be counted - and at the same time built a diversified forward moving business relationship as well. Interestingly-  we were always able to build on the best of what we had in common - and yet go - in totally different directions.  No partnership -  just relationship - growing - maturing and functioning successfully :  in two - completely different worlds - with the same breed and common goals of excellence. In the end - I see now that - we complemented each other.

Because of our relationship ongoing and active - I was able to give my Sport Horse customers an opportunity for an inside peek -  of Carmen's Show Ring passion, expertise and perspectives which also gave my folks a chance to discuss at length with her -  the show ring performance criteria - her own plan and the dynamics of her Paso Fino enjoyment and expectations. All interesting dynamics for Newbies to the Breed. 

Our Working Relationship - at some point -> usually engaged - my people -> with Carmen and her people. For my customers this extended a Bigger picture to them and for them -> of the Breed and gave them front seat positions -> to another Professional within the Breed... and their dynamics of operation and goals. Was it a necessity component for my customers or for me ? No - but It added diversity.... and new options / possibilities ... and my folks were obviously diversified!


.... I was able to supply my NEW customers a comprehensive Market provision - > easy and user friendly access to other professionals who work in different dynamics of this Breed's performance. 

Serious Committed Horsemen - WHO LOVE THE BREED : 

Promote IT BETTER!   -> when they understand it's DIVERSITY.

There is another element inclusive  - and I want to make sure you are able to see it.

Let me explain a bit further.... 

It is important to know that My customers -  are ALL very experienced and knowledgeable horsemen. (They didn't just fall of the train with a horse - yesterday.)  Most have been riding all of their lives and are the kind of folks who love "their adventure" with these phenomenal intelligent hot horses! As a collective group they ride hard and long and use their horses in more ways than the average person. And Now ! their passion has extended into new dynamics with THIS BREED! They are captured, elevated and fully engaged - with the phenomenon - The Paso Fino Horse..... and will ride - as long as they are able to crawl into a saddle.... 


INSIDE PEEK at the Show Ring - Diversity - VIA Professional Trainer's Relationships-

While generally - most of my customers are not initially interested in the show ring ..  most love the adventure of learning more about this high end performing animal. He is a phenomenon to them! A Hot Sensible Intense Partner.... and I encourage them to learn more. 

If I take my folks to a show and introduce them to Carmen or take them to Carmen's Farm - you can bet they appreciate the opportunity! And "there" they learn so many things I am not able to show them -> about the breed - from the show perspective.... The Show Horse - in the making. 

Plus -> Carmen is a breeder as well as a Trainer. She has a fair number of brood stock - with a variety of talent - and numerous horses in various stages of growth and training... when at my farm - they will see less numbers-  and mostly horses - well along in their growth and training...  a little different dynamic - which opens their minds.   A good thing.

Another thing ->  at her farm - they see - first hand ->  the Fino - Show Athlete. 

Don't forget my folks are Paso Fino Sport Horse Owners, which means - they are "equine adrenaline junkies", so they LOVE the Adrenaline Ride! Seeing a fino athlete at her farm and perhaps getting an opportunity to ride one  is an experience that seconds only - to their first Paso Ride.! What an opportunity and experience! coupled with the beginning realization - of " what the Paso Fino phenomenon" is about... and appreciate it ...  more. Building... growing... learning... And when given a chance to ride the Pleasure and Performance SHOW RING Athlete - they get a better idea of the quality of - what they have sitting in their own barns - that I sold them.... another good thing.

Via this relationship - My customers are given -front row seats - and first hand experiences - that aid in grasping - the commonality of our Breeds' strong points and tendencies toward certain talent and skill.... and the quality of top notch training applied for each expertise.... and more about the phenomenon - the Paso Fino Horse. 

Diversity - Quality - OPPORTUNITY - Complements the BREED

My folks came to my farm looking for : top notch highly trained horses that are exceptionally skilled mounts. And they encountered and engaged in and with -> so much more! ( And - they know it.)  So they - do appreciate Good Breeding, Good Stock, Good Training and Quality Performance Skills...  They are ALL about excellence!

An opportunity presented  - to learn first hand - from another professional who lives and works in a totally different dynamic of the Breed is pretty neat and engaging ... especially if you are a person who enjoys looking beyond your own windows.... and most Paso Fino horse riders ->  I find... are those types. 

i.e) there is so much to teach, learn and see about this BREED ! for these "Newbie" hungry passionate Paso Fino owners! Taking them for a peek to see the development of yet another example of the personified talent of this phenomenon - the Paso Fino Horse -  is exciting to them. 

Within this Breed - and within excellence standards - that amplify - what the Latino Culture has so well developed -> there are so many performing abilities to capitalize upon.! 

We have so many opportunities for open doors! ---> into something really unusual and creative and special.... in excellence!  


Options- presented with valid relationships  - gives a place for my customers to go -  if they  - want to stretch farther and learn more - have more and do more - than I have been able to supply. They trust me and now -  I have connected them to a trustworthy site for them to obtain firsthand knowledge from another professional within the breed so to give them diversity - so they too "can choose" HOW FAR they want to GROW in the Breed. And - at the same time - they begin to capture how  " we all are a part of something that is bigger than our own specific dynamic"  concerning : The Paso Fino as a Breed,  the organization at large - and her people.  

Together Carmen and I give them an open door to develop their own knowledge and experience with "how special - this breed is -> in it's diverse performing dynamics"... get a good understanding of the common denominators.  

Service Diversity - Complements the BREED

Carmen and I  both enjoyed servicing this diversity of market sharing. 


When I ran out of horses, or needed a variety beyond my resources, Carmen was able to supply. 

Because some horses can transition to serve either of our dynamics, we were able to service each others customers on many different occasions. 

One of my customers became more interested in showing and breeding and now uses Carmen solely for their program development - and I'm delighted about that. It was a good opportunity and progressive move for all.  

We have even placed a few retired - show fino geldings here and there in my market. 

In the more recent years Carmen started quite a few babies for myself and some for my customers. 

It is a win - win situation! 

 This is a High End Personified Ride! : 14.2 - 900 + lbs.  

In our Case - we are two trainers - training toward two different goals and serving different markets, but we have a lot of common serve- ground. We capitalize on it.  

Market Sharing to HIGH END PERFORMANCE - Equine Adrenaline Junkies! 

Complements the BREED

When folks love this Breed! They seem to love the same things... " the highly trained  and amplified talents and characteristics"!  of the BREED!. 

You just can't experience the " amplified "  - without having an adrenaline rush of some kind and appreciate the level of training if a novice or an amateur. Our Breed engages " the best of Horsemen"! 

So - it's easy to see many commonalities -> within the  Paso Fino Enthusiasts! 

They are - a people who love the adventure and journey - of a life with a Paso! 

For a lack of a better description - I call them Skilled -> Equestrian Adrenaline Junkies...  

They are those:

who - work hard and play hard - with the intent to enjoy! pushing the envelop! 

who - love their high strung-  hot  and sensible - athletes. 

who -  love the testing of their skills and the training of their mounts -> while pushing the edge  for FUN!  

who -  love the competition ! 

And they are those: who  - all - enjoy the camaraderie! of good horsemen, good horses, good training -> riding the challenges together and gathering up at the end of a day .... thankful for the pleasures enjoyed and the safety embraced with high end skills applied and good planning... on awesome horses - Partners! in life.

There are Many Different Worlds! to be lived - ON This Paso Fino Horse! 

With the Same Quality of High End Breeding - Performance and Training!

The adventure and excitement of riding 

a well trained intense power pack 

who has a brain for the adventure 

and the body and stamina 

to carry you through to the highest of challenges!!!                 

doesn't  begin and end in just ONE dynamic of our breed  - 


They begin and end on the  ----   Paso Fino Breed  ---  as a Whole! 

Our Breed revels in the opportunities - Lets Market them - together - for the BEST of their abilities!