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 We Strongly Believe in a Just and Honorable Stewardship



We Are

Serious about Stewarding

the Breed Properly




and Each Individual Horse ...



Our Animals Trust Us




1.)  Paso Fino's are the products of generations of very selective breeding. They carry qualities and traits that separate them from every other breed.We strive to preserve and reflect the best of those qualities in our Sport Horse Program.

2.) We usually begin to Market our saddle horses when they are 4 years old or a bit more.   
Occasionally we will have a mature finished horse available and occasionally an experienced Rider Trainer will want to finish a younger partner for themselves.

3.) We take as long as necessary to settle and establish each horse in the execution of all 
facets of their training and applications so they are prepared and confident for their future.

4.) When our horse's training is completed, we begin to search for the "right match" for each horse.


5.) We require competent riders and handlers for each horse’s ability and level of performance. 

We have spent years building relationships with each horse and training them. We have earned and maintained their trust as competent leaders, trainers and handlers. We will not abuse our horse’s abilities or confidence.

6.) We take the necessary time to assure the best owner for their future.


7.) Because this breed is exceptional in it's athleticism, smooth gait, intense and intelligent mind and partnering orientation.... we believe we have an exceptional gift to share ... with experienced owners / riders and handlers and the Sport Horse Market.